
A real-time operating system for musical applications.

MidiShare has been designed in 1989 in response to problems commonly met in the development of realtime music software. It provides high level services to developers and ensures platform independance since it supports GNU/Linux, MacOS X and Windows

Freely available on the Internet to developers since several years, the MidiShare development kit supports a great variety of programming languages: C, C++, Common Lisp, Pascal, Java... Two additional libraries are also provided to facilitate the development of musical applications: a MIDI files management library and a Player library intended to develop multi-tracks MidiShare sequencers.

  • 1989 - Apple Trophy

  • 1990 - Paris City Prize

  • 1999 - Max d'Or
    Bourges International Musical Software Competition

Elody Open Music
Circulat Logic jMusic
Modularing Sony CSL
Sound Art

Q - Equational Programming Language

and many more...

  • High level musical events, fully structured and time stamped with a millisecond resolution. These events include both the MIDI and the MIDIFile typologies. In charge of the memory manager, they can be allocated at interrupt level.

  • An efficient scheduler, in charge of delivering events at their falling dates to the communication manager. The scheduling algorithm ensures a very low and constant time overhead per event, even when the scheduler is heavily loaded.

  • Inter-applications communication.
    A communication manager routes the events to the client applications, according to the connection set between them. This connection set can be dynamically configured by the users.

  • Real-time tasks, to control the real-time behavior of an application. Function calls can be scheduled in the future and are automatically achieved by MidiShare at interrupt level.

  • Real-time alarms. Incoming MidiShare events as well as global context changes (new clients starting a session, modifications of the connections between applications, etc.) can be processed in real-time by user defined alarms.

More information about the project is available here.

The MidiShare project originates from a work conducted by the Grame Computer Music Research Lab.

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